Pete Collett
Race Director
Pete started racing with CDBA in 2001 after crewing for his brother in 1999-2000 seasons. His first year he won Rookie of the Year, TE High Points Championship and won the World Finals in Chandler, AZ. In 2002 he won Overall High Points Championship and Driver of the Year, after that it was just more wins and more jackets accumulated, to date he has 35 First Place trophies and 3 Second Place trophies. He's licensed in TE-PM classes and has owned and built 7 dragboats so far and between himself and his son, Craig, they've raced them all.
Pete graduated from Lane Community College with an Associates Degree in Agricultural Technology, from 1988-2010 he worked for John Deere as a Master Service Technician and after that started his own business, Pete's Agricultural Repair Service working on every piece of farm related equpment there is.
Come see us at the Races!